If you click [The Ena Energy & Environment Laboratory] page opens.

Ena-City Gifu-Pref. JAPAN Current Weather Conditions
Updated Automatically by Ambient Weather's Virtual Weather Station V12.08

Weather Links

You can see changes of the cloud of within past few hours.
You can see changes of the cloud of within past few hours.
Ena-City's(Gifu-Pref.)Radiation Detector
You can see the image of various network cameras. Sorry! However, only Japanese.
It jumps to the homepage of the author. Sorry!  However, only Japanese.

Ena-City Gifu-Pref. Upon 13:45 3/12/25

Instrument Panel
Outdoor Temp 15.4Indoor Temp 25.9Hourly Rain 0.0 mmDaliy Rain 0.0 mmWind Direction WNW
Outdoor Temp Meter  Indoor Temp Meter  Hourly Rain Tank   Daliy Rain Tank   Wind Direction Gauge

Outdoor Humidity 76Indoor Humidity 25Raw Barometer 1010.5hPaWind Speed 0.4 m/s
Outdoor Humidity Gauge    Indoor Humidity Gauge    Raw Barometer Gauge     Wind Speed Gauge

UV Index 0.5Solar Radiation 81W/sqmIf you click here, the explanation panel will be opened.
UV Index Meter            Solar Radiation Meter             DAVIS Console & Note PC   

Click to open the weather forecast site
Trend/H   :0.08/hr
Humidity  :76
Trend/H   :9.5%/hr
SL  Barom :1010.5hPa
Trend/H   :-0.82hPa/hr
Wind Dir  :WNW
Wind Speed:0.4m/s
Wind Gust :0.9m/s
Heat Index:17.4
Wind Chill:15.4
Dew Point :11.2
UV Index  :0.5
Solar Rad :81W/sqm
Rain/H :0.0mm/H
Rain/D :0.0mm/D
Rain/M :54.6mm/M
Rain/Y :161.8mm/Y

Today's Extremes

    System Introduction
  This is the Weather Station of which
  individual can do an establishment.

  There are the Thermometer, Hygrometer,
  Anemometer, Barometer, Rain Gauge, UV
  meter, Solar Radiationmeter on outside
  of my house. And, there are a Console,
  Thermometer, Hygrometer, Barometer in
  my house.

  Signal from sensors are converted to
  digital quantum. They are processed in
  the console.

  The console and personal computer are
  connected with a RS-232C serial cable.
  And, the data processing and graphic
  processing are implemented by Virtual
  Weather Station and able to upload to
  the WEB server.

DAVIS Cabled Vantage Pro2 Plus
If you click here, the explanation panel will be opened.

Hi Temp:15.7 12:00

Lo Temp:4.3 6:25

Hi Heat:17.5 13:43

Hi Wind:4.0m/s 13:01


Sunrise   :6:03
Sunset    :17:53
Moonrise  :16:00
Moonset   :5:08
Moon Phase:13 day 92%


Live Camera-1
Weather scenery of now.

This is the monitor camera for Wind and Solar hybrid power station. Refer to [The Ena Energy & Environment Laboratory]. A image is uploading to the WEB server every time about 30 seconds interval.

Live Camera-2
Weather scenery of now.

Also, This is the monitor camera for Wind and Solar hybrid power station. Refer to [The Ena Energy & Environment Laboratory]. A image is uploading to the WEB server every time about 30 seconds interval.

24 Hours Graphs
SL BarometerHourly RainDaily Rain
Outdoor TempOutdoor HumidityWind Direction
Indoor TempIndoor HumidityWind Speed
UV IndexSolar RadiationWind Gust

4 Months Graphs
Outdoor Temp for 4-Month
Outdoor Humidity for 4-Month
Daily Rain for 4-Month
UV Index Temp for 4-Month
Solar Radiation for 4-Month
Wind Speed for 4-Month

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This website is intended for the public to research and education.
This DATA has the property right in ena-eco.jp.Copyright(C)2006

These display contents may not agree due to these processing time difference .
The accuracy is not guaranteed.  This system application is my personal hobby.
I take no responsibility, about damages that resulted by this application use.

Updated Automatically by Ambient Weather's Virtual Weather Station  V12.08
All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication or distribution is prohibited
Never base important decisions on this or any weather information obtained from the Internet